Mounting Media

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1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
1 fl. oz
Patent Pending
Cargille Meltmount™ is now available in a convenient stick form called Quick-Stick™. It can be used to make permanent microscope slide mounts quickly.
Quick-Stick™ can be applied to a slide on a hotplate. As soon as the specimen and cover glass are positioned and the slide is cooled, you have a permanent prepared slide that can be reversed by reheating, if you should wish to retrieve a particular particle.
Quick-Stick™ 1.539
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.539 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.539 and an Abbe V dispersion of 45 making it optically similar to Canada Balsam and, therefore, ideal for mounting many biological specimens but without the long drying time of Canada Balsam.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending
Quick-Stick™ 1.582
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.582 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.582 and an Abbe V dispersion of 33. Its optical clarity makes it the preferred choice for minimum visible absorption.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending
Quick-Stick™ 1.605
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.605 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.605 and an Abbe V dispersion of 30, making it appropriate for mounting asbestiform Tremolite, Anthophyllite, and Actinolite.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending
Quick-Stick™ 1.662
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.662 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.662 and an Abbe V dispersion of 26, optically similar to Aroclor 5442, but is PCB-free.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending
Quick-Stick™ 1.680
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.680 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.680 and an Abbe V dispersion of 25, making it appropriate for mounting Amosite and Crocidolite asbestos.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending
Quick-Stick™ 1.704
Application: Quick-Stick™ 1.704 has a refractive index (nD @ 25°C) of 1.704, similar to naphrax, and an Abbe V dispersion of 24.
2/3 oz
Patent Pending